Thursday, April 03, 2008

A List of Things I'd Like to Tell You

1.) American Idol - hallelujah! How glad are we that this girl is gone? Answer - SO GLAD.

2.) Remember the snarky Post Office experience a while back? Well, a few days later, this came.

If you can't read it, it says, "Damaged by Mechanical Equipment. Please accept our apologies," followed by "Returned for Better Address." What do these people want from me?

3.) If you read Vintage Thirty, you might remember the post Tootsie Farklepants wrote about blue sheep butts. If you're about to click on that link, the good stuff is in the comments. I was reminded of this while putting inventory in at work recently. This is a product we carry that is used to determine when cows are in heat:

Let's just zoom in on that bottom corner, shall we?

Okay, seriously? How freaking funny is that? Just in case you can't quite figure out what this product is for, we'll illustrate it for you. And notice that it's two female cows. Actually, there's a reason for that, but it's funnier if you don't know it.

4.) You know how "Spring Fever" doesn't really refer to body temperature, but to a fit of looniness? Well, I had my first bout the other day. It involved singing a Primary song, complete with actions.

I looked out the window

And what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!
Spring has brought me such a nice surprise
Popcorn popping right before my eyes.

I can take an armful and make a treat
A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet
It wasn't really so,
But it seemed to me
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!

5.) So. Have you heard I'm going to Alaska? I'm kind of excited about it. I'm leaving in 2 1/2 days. Two days and 14 hours, to be exact. I might be outside of the blogosphere for a while, so try not to miss me too much. I know it'll be hard, but just do your best.

6.) You may recognize this little baby from my Christmas wish list.

Well, I bought one yesterday. It's just a silver one, because it was $65 cheaper than the colors. I am so not paying $65 just for red. This purchase was necessary because my ancient iPod Mini finally crapped out. Totally. No worko. And once you go iPod, you can never go back.

7.) And finally, in case you missed the memo, I'm about to go on kind of a big trip. I've got a four hour lay-over in Seattle. Can anyone recommend a really good book? I've been having a hard time finding one lately.

Hugs and kisses, Blogger friends!


Laurel said...

Oh please read These is My Words by Nanci Turner. Please. If you absolutely do not love it I will...let's see what will I do? I 10 times for whomever you want on American Idol. I'm pretty sure I can keep my voting rights though because it has my favorite female character in recent literature. And if someone doesn't make this into a movie...well, if I had the money I'd make it into a movie, and then I'd make a lot of money, and some lucky actress would win an oscar.

By the way, the cow picture had me in stitches. Seriously a laugh riot.

And I think the post office is secretly torturing you. Or, then again, not so secretely.

Have a great trip!

Lea said...

But seriously, Laurel, it is bigger. The post office is torturing Betsy and the DMV is torturing our brother. That begins a conspiracy theory - now we just figure out which Delta County bureacracy has their sights on my parents! See what you can do with that, Bets!

Tootsie Farklepants said...

Hahahaha!! That picture is righteous!