Thursday, September 04, 2008

I Have Returned!

Wow. The last month has been kah-razy. I started a new job, moved to a new house, got new roommates and joined Weight Watchers. So far, it's all going swimmingly.

The new job is fantabulous. I love love love love working there. The print industry is new to me, but it's something I've always been interested in. There is so much to learn and so much fun new stuff. My favorite is the cutter. It makes me feel wicked powerful. It's a toss up between that and the shrink wrap machine. I was guaranteed a raise after 90 days, but after a month, my boss asked if we could chat and gave me a fifty cent raise! He said he'd never done it before. I was on cloud nine. Yeah, the extra money is great, but the fact that I'm doing so well makes me feel amazing.

The new house is in a great neighborhood and is really cute. It's the perfect size and is totally cozy. I can't wait to decorate it. I think the roommates are going to work out as well. One is 40 and the other is 18, so there's a big age gap, but everyone seems to get along.

Weight Watchers is fabulous. I joined because I'm just plain tired of being fat. I like the plan because it's like counting calories, but easier. You can eat anything you want, as long as you stay within your points! I've noticed that I pay more attention to what I eat. I used to eat a meal and then start snacking a few minutes later, mostly out of boredom. I don't do that anymore because I have to think about everything I eat. And! Last week I lost 3.4 pounds. Right on.


Laurel said...

Fantastic! All the way around. I am so glad that you have taken all these steps for you. In my never to be humble opinion :0) you have been very brave, and I love that it is paying off. Continue to be patient and loving to yourself. You are so deserving!

Jessie Evans said...

Can I just say "amen" to what Laurel said? I'm so proud!

Jessie Evans said...

Proud to be your friend, that is.

Madame Queen said...

Yay! It sounds like everything is going great.

I love Weight Watchers for the same reason. It just makes me so much more aware of what I'm eating! Three to four pounds is awesome! Don't be bummed if it's less next week -- it usually is the second week for some reason.

Jen said...

Give me a shout when you're coming to my neighborhood! Congrats on all the new goodness in your life!

Tierney Kirk said...

Sounds like everything's going well for you! Good work at Weight Watchers. My mom did that a few years ago and lost something like 75 pounds. It really does work well! Best of luck in that and everything else!

Jessie Evans said...

You lied. You have not returned.