Remember this post where I freaked out because I found a gray hair (and I'm too bloody young for that)?
Today I pulled out three.
And that wasn't even the most traumatic event of my day. Close, though.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Don't you know you're not supposed to pull them out? I've always heard that if you pull one, three will grow in its place. Sounds like it's true! :)
That's an old wives tale. How would that even work? What, am I going to sprout new hair folicles?
Grey hair? Say it ain't so! My hair isn't going grey, but if it makes you feel any better I have taken to shaving my upper lip. I know. I know. I'm supposed to wax it, but I'm not that patient. By the way, they say I'm not supposed to do that either or it will grow in darker and thicker. I don't believe it either, but then in a few years if I look like Tom Selleck I'll know I was wrong.
By the way, what was the most traumatic event of the day? Yikes!
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I wouldn't know if I have grey hair, there's too much dye in the way. Jason has an abudance of white hairs though and he loves it.
I was only teasing!
Me too!
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